5 Easy Drawing Activities You Can Do at Home With Your Kids
by Prescolaire Early Learning Academy | November 14, 2022
Exploring your child's creativity at home can be fun and easy. Here are five easy drawing activities you can do at home with your kids to help them practice their drawing skills!
Drawing a Picture of Your Family
This is a great activity for young children who are just starting to learn how to draw. Have them start by drawing oval shapes for the heads, then add sticks for the arms and legs. Once they have the basic shapes down, they can start adding details like eyes, noses, mouths, and hair. Encouraging them to use different colors for each person in the family will make the drawing even more fun and unique!
Try Drawing a Self-portrait
This activity is perfect for kids who are a little bit older and have started to master basic shapes. Encourage them to add as many details as possible, such as their clothes, accessories, and hairstyle. They can even draw themselves in their favorite outfit or doing their favorite activity!
Pets Are Always Fun to Draw
This is another great activity for young children who are just starting to learn how to draw. Start by helping them draw the basic shape of their pet (e.g., an oval for a dog's head), then add details like eyes, nose, mouth, and fur. If they don't have a pet of their own, they can always draw a picture of a friend's pet or an animal they see at the zoo!
Get in Touch with Nature
Drawing a landscape is a perfect activity for kids who are a little bit older and have mastered basic shapes. Encourage them to be creative and add whatever they want to their landscape, such as trees, flowers, sun, clouds, etc. If they need some inspiration, you can always look up pictures of landscapes online or in magazines together before they start drawing!
Draw a picture from a storybook.
This is a great way to help kids practice their drawing skills while also getting them interested in reading! Start by reading a storybook aloud together, then pause after each page and ask them to draw what they think comes next. For younger children, you can provide some guidance by giving them specific things to draw (e.g., "Can you draw the princess holding her new baby?"). For older children, you can let them use their imagination and see what creative pictures they come up with on their own!
Practicing drawing at home with your children is easy and fun! These five easy drawing activities are perfect for parents who want to help their kids explore their creativity at home! Whether you have young children who are just starting to learn how to draw or older children who are looking for ways to improve their skills, these activities will provide plenty of fun and excitement - not to mention some beautiful artwork that you'll be able to cherish for years to come!

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