Summer Camp

Creating Summer Camp at Home

by Prescolaire Early Learning Academy | May 20, 2024

Planning Your At-Home Summer Camp

Summer is here, and while traditional summer camps might not be an option for everyone, you can still create an amazing summer camp experience right in your own backyard! Here are some tips and activities to help you set up a fun and educational summer camp at home.

Choose a Theme

Start by choosing a theme for your summer camp. Themes can help tie all your activities together and make the experience more exciting. Some popular themes include:

  • Adventure Camp
  • Science Camp
  • Art and Crafts Camp
  • Sports Camp
  • Nature Explorers Camp
  • Create a Schedule

Just like a real summer camp, having a schedule can help keep things organized and ensure that kids know what to expect each day. Break the day into different sessions such as:

  • Morning Activities
  • Snack Time
  • Craft Time
  • Lunch Break
  • Afternoon Games
  • Free Play
  • Gather Supplies

Make a list of all the supplies you’ll need for your camp activities. This might include craft materials, sports equipment, science experiment kits, and outdoor gear. Having everything ready ahead of time will make the camp run smoothly.

Fun and Educational Activities

Outdoor Adventures

Get the kids outside and exploring with these fun activities:

Nature Scavenger Hunt: 

Create a list of items for the kids to find in the backyard or at a local park.

Bug Safari: 

Equip the kids with magnifying glasses and bug jars to explore the world of insects.

Garden Planting: 

Teach the kids about gardening by planting flowers, vegetables, or herbs.

Creative Crafts

Let the kids unleash their creativity with these craft ideas:

Tie-Dye T-Shirts: 

Use fabric dye to create colorful, unique shirts.

DIY Bird Feeders: 

Make bird feeders using pine cones, peanut butter, and birdseed.

Nature Art:

Collect leaves, sticks, and flowers to create beautiful nature collages.

Science Fun

Incorporate some educational fun with simple science experiments:

Volcano Eruption:

Use baking soda and vinegar to create a mini volcano.

Water Bottle Rockets: 

Launch rockets made from plastic bottles and water.

Solar Oven: 

Build a solar oven using a pizza box to cook s’mores using the sun’s energy.

Sports and Games

Keep the kids active with these sports and games:

Obstacle Course:

Set up a backyard obstacle course using household items.

Water Balloon Toss: 

Cool off with a fun water balloon toss game.

Backyard Olympics: 

Host a series of mini-competitions like sack races, three-legged races, and tug-of-war.

Story Time and Campfire Fun

End the day with some relaxing activities:

Story Time: 

Read books or tell stories around a pretend campfire.

Campfire Songs: 

Sing classic campfire songs or make up your own.


Lay out blankets and look up at the stars. Use a star map to identify constellations.

Creating a Camp Environment

Camp Setup

Transform your backyard into a camp by setting up tents or a makeshift fort using blankets and chairs. Add some fairy lights or lanterns for a cozy ambiance.

Camp Rules and Traditions

Establish some fun camp rules and traditions. This could include a morning flag-raising ceremony, a campfire circle, or a special camp song.

Camp Badges and Rewards

Create camp badges or certificates that the kids can earn by completing activities and challenges. This adds an extra element of fun and achievement to the camp experience.

DIY Summer Camp 

Creating a summer camp at home is a wonderful way to keep kids engaged, active, and learning during the summer months. With a little planning and creativity, you can provide a memorable and enriching camp experience right in your own backyard. So, gather your supplies, set up your camp, and get ready for an adventure-filled summer! Looking for more structured fun? Check out Prescolaire's summer camps for exciting programs and activities!

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