Child daycare helps infants and toddlers develop educational skills to increase their success in school.

Why Child Daycare is Important

by Prescolaire Early Learning Academy | March 7, 2022

Pre-school education is the first level of education for any human being. It helps young children develop fully physically, cognitively, socially-emotionally, and aesthetically right from their first toddler steps. Therefore, child daycares play a particularly important role because they educate our children in their "golden period" and create the foundation for their development in the future.

The Importance of Child Daycare Education

From 0 to 6 years old, we can easily notice how children develop rapidly: physically, intellectually, and emotionally. Children actively interact with what is going on around them. 

The essence of children's learning is through imitation, discovery, and experience. They will begin to practice understanding things, and phenomena happening around them. At the same time, children learn to express that understanding through sharing and exchanging with friends.

Therefore, the goal of a child daycare is to nurture the inner motivation of each child, creating the maximum conditions for children to explore according to their own interests. This nurturing begins as soon as the child enters the classroom.

Help Your Child Reach Their Full Potential at Préscolaire

At Préscolaire, children don't have to struggle to keep up or wait for slower kids to catch up with them. In our regular classroom, all children follow a set lesson plan at the same pace. We know that every child's abilities are different and that they also have different interests. Some children are good at math, some learn languages ​​very quickly, and some are extremely good at arts. Every child loves different things, therefore it is unrealistic to expect that their ability to learn is the same.

Thanks to our method of repetition and exposure to technology, Préscolaire allows each child to learn the skills they love until they are mastered. Because children are often reluctant to look at new skills if they have not mastered the current skills they are learning, there will be no gaps in knowledge. This means that extracurricular tutoring won't be necessary.

At Préscolaire, we incorporate digital literacy and robotics into our curriculum, creating interests in every child when it comes to basic skills in math, science, language, and critical thinking, establishing the cognitive and social skills required to succeed in the 21st century. Moreover, our child daycares also employ the educational concept of "child-centered", where we provide an active teaching environment for children. The active teaching method is an educational method that focuses on promoting children's initiative and creativity, helping them to express their own thoughts, and supporting them to achieve the desired learning outcomes.

Why Daycare Matters

Reality has shown that educational effectiveness isn't always about the results of your child on a daily, monthly, or yearly basis. But, also in the process of changing their habits, behaviors, and thinking so that they can get better and better in the future. That is the core to forming a multi-talented intellectual child at Préscolaire. You, too, can provide your children with a modern and smart learning opportunity at our institution. To help your child or children get on the path to success apply to Prescolaire Early Learning Academy

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