Prescolaire Blog: Nurturing Young Minds


Benefits of a Pre-kindergarten Program

Pre-kindergarten programs provide the best environment and facilities for children who are at their growing and grooming stage. Education acts as a beacon of light for every individual, the main confusion comes at the stage of knowing where to start from. So are parents concerned about giving their kids a source of inspiration to start school or get comfortable in the coming years of their...
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How Day Care Can Benefit You and Your Child

A new parent is faced with both excitement and anxiety when deciding whether to send their baby to a day care center. They experience a sense of excitement, but this is often overshadowed by guilt as they consider the idea of leaving their baby in the hands of a stranger for the first time. It is incredibly normal and understandable to feel all of these things. You may be wondering if the...
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5 Tips for reading with your child

Readers ARE Leaders – Reading With Your Child is a Great Start You may have heard the phrase readers are leaders. Unlike many adages, this one, it turns out, attributed to Harry S. Truman, is true. Reading builds verbal intelligence, making readers better communicators. It can also help develop emotional intelligence, with readers exhibiting more empathy and a better understanding of...
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Our Preschool Teachers Share Their Top Tips for Teaching Your Preschooler

Teaching preschoolers who are young, and energetic can be a challenge. Every child is different with unique interests, personalities, needs and abilities. As parents with more than one child can attest, they mature and learn at varying rates. They can be alternately loving and demanding, tightly focused or distracted. There is no such thing as one size fits all when it comes to teaching...
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How To Foster Self Confidence in Your Preschooler

By the age of five, children have already developed confidence comparable in strength to the confidence, or lack of confidence they will eventually have as adults. That's important because confidence is linked to both a child's academic and social success. A child who lacks confidence may be unwilling to try new things or face challenges because they fear failing. This can eventually hold them...
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12 Tips for Working Remotely with Young Children

A growing number of parents have been forced to work from home during the pandemic. According to many firms, that move could become permanent. For parents working remotely has some undeniable benefits, but for many, especially parents of young children, it’s been a challenge. In fact, a recent Microsoft survey revealed that 54% of parents found it challenging to balance their personal...
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Helping Your Child Deal with Back to School Uncertainty

After school programs are traditionally where students go when school is done for the day, but their parents are not yet home from work. However, in the COVID-19 era, they are playing an essential role in helping parents and students cope with the transition and challenges of distance learning. In many school districts, there is still a tremendous amount of uncertainty regarding what the...
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5 Common Childhood Fears and How to Handle Them

Your preschooler is just getting to know her world. She spends a lot of time scanning, watching, listening and generally figuring everything out. That is why the familiar is often very important to a preschooler. So, when something is unexpectedly different, or she is suddenly unable to see or understand, she immediately reacts with fear.  Fear is a logical, healthy reaction to the...
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10 Tips for Encouraging Your Child to Work at Home

Avoid homework frustration with these simple tips. While we would like to think our child is as excited to do homework or complete at home educational activities as we are, that is not always the case. Even for parents who homeschool, encouraging children to focus on work in the space where they usually relax or play, is an ongoing challenge. For the rest of us, homework is a source of...
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5 at Home Learning Activities to Teach Scientific Concepts to Your Preschooler

Learning at Home Doesn’t Always Have to Look Like School, Sometimes It Just Looks Like Fun   Preschool children are naturally curious and open-minded, which makes them perfect scientists. They are also risk-takers and unafraid of being wrong, which allows them to make predictions, explore and communicate ideas and take chances. Science is a natural extension of your...
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Multilingualism in Early Childhood Education

Use it or lose it. This basic operating principle applies to all parts of the body—including, and perhaps especially, the brain. Research shows that those who've been multilingual since childhood have better executive functioning skills, and that multilingualism can prevent Alzheimer’s and other age-related brain issues. Why is this? Why is learning more than one language...
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Digital Fluency

Fluency is the ability to communicate an idea or tell a story with ease. To be fluent in a foreign language, for example, means going beyond just asking for directions or reading a menu in a restaurant. It requires understanding the language well enough to create and express whatever the situation calls for, at will. Technology is also a language. For the most part, the current generation...
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